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Quotes by and about Jack and Jennifer

These are a collection of what I think are the most notable quotes by and about Jack and Jennifer, those that show the essence of their story and/or mark momentous events in their relationship. Dates listed are air dates.

Quotes by the characters

Jennifer: "I don't believe what anybody says, I don't even believe you! I believe in you! And I believe what I feel, with my whole heart!"

-- Mar. 09 1990, Harper's Parole

Jennifer: "I'm tired of playing games, with you and me. The truth is ... is that I care about you more than anybody else in this world. More than anybody I have ever cared for in my life."
Jack: "What about Frankie?"
Jennifer: "Even Frankie. He never pushed me away like you did, until he left. And that hurt a lot, but what I felt for him, it faded away. Slowly but surely. And then, Jack, you came into my life and you were different. And what I felt was different. And the more you pushed me away and the more I got angry and the more I tried to stop caring about you, the more I realized it was just a waste of time. I couldn't stop. No matter how hard you pushed and no matter how hard I tried. I love you, Jack. And you feel the same way about me, I know you do. I don't even have to ask any more, I don't even have to wonder. You do Jack, you were just afraid. You were so afraid. You still are. Look at me." (takes him by the chin and turns his face up towards hers) "This could be the end, Jack, for both of us. We don't know what's going to happen next. So if I'm right, and I know I am, can you please tell me? Please, can't you just admit it?"
Jack: "Jennifer --"
Jennifer: "Look." (she kisses him) "I understand. I won't force you." (kiss) "If you can't say it ..." (kiss) "... then you just can't say it." (longer kiss)
Jack: "Jennifer --"
Jennifer: "Ssh. If you can't say it, could you at least show me? At least show me, Jack." (Jack finally gives in, and they kiss lovingly)

-- Jun. 21 1990, Cruise of Deception

Jack: "You know, Jennifer --"
Jennifer: "Ssh. You don't know how much time we have." (kiss) "Or don't have." (she begins to unbutton his shirt as they gaze at each other)
Jack: "You know, Jennifer --"
Jennifer: "I love you, Jack." (searches his face, waiting for a reply)
Jack: "You know, Jennif--"
Jennifer: (unwaveringly) "I love you."
Jack: (with increasing, whispered difficulty) "You know, Jennifer, y--"
Jennifer: (whispered) "I love you."
Jack: "You know ... I ... "
Jennifer: "Know what?"
Jack: "You know. You know. You know I ..."
Jennifer: "I know."
(He holds the side of her face and kisses her tenderly, as they grow more passionate and move back on the bed. Unfortunately they are soon interrupted by the ship's intercom.)

-- Jun. 22 1990, Cruise of Deception

Jennifer: "You're not like anybody else. You're unique, and so are we. We don't do things like other people do. And I'm glad. So don't talk about how it's supposed to be because this is how it's supposed to be for us. And I love it."

-- Jul. 02 1990, Cruise of Deception

Jack: "Look, you know I don't, uh, I don't express my feelings very well, I don't put into words ..." (sighs)
Jennifer: "It's okay, it's alright because you already said it."
Jack: "No I didn't. You said it. I just agreed with what you said. I just ... love you, Jennifer. I love you."
(she gazes at him with a gentle joy as he leans in to kiss her passionately, and they make love for the first time)

-- Jul. 02 1990, Cruise of Deception

Jennifer: "I've never felt this way about anybody before. I knew I loved you, and that's what kept me going. And I had to believe that you loved me, and that you were just waiting for the right time to show me and tell me. Behind all those stupid fights and that smart talk and those bad jokes, this was here all along." ... "You were there all along. The real you. So gentle and so sweet." ... "You are, Jack. I felt it every time you touched me. There's no denying it. This is right, this is perfect." (kiss)

-- Jul. 02 1990, Cruise of Deception

Jack: (sighs heavily) "I'm a coward. I say I want to live alone. It's a lie. It's the act of a coward. I was just afraid to let anybody near me." ... "When I got to know you, I choked. I think I knew deep down that you were the one who was going to get in. So I thought maybe you'd just get tired and you'd go away."
Jennifer: "Jack."
Jack: "But you didn't go away though, you just kept, you just kept plugging in there."
Jennifer: "I'm stubborn, remember? You said so yourself."
Jack: "You just never gave up. I didn't think there could ever be someone with so much love inside them."
Jennifer: (nods) "I do."
Jack: "I put you through a lot. Wasted a lot of time." (emotionally) "I don't want to waste any more."

-- Jun. 02 1990, Cruise of Deception

Jennifer: "Just say it if that's what you feel. Just tell me right now. Look me in the eye and tell me right now that you never want to be this close to me ever again. And you never want to kiss me again. And you never want to hold me close, and feel your arms wrapped around me, and listen to me breathe in the middle of the night and wake up to me the next morning. Just say it. It's as easy as that, Jack, just say it." (kiss) "Just tell me that's what you want. Tell me that's what you believe."
Jack: "This is not about what I want or what I believe, this is about what's b--"
Jennifer: (kiss) You know what, Jack? Why don't you let me worry about what's best for me, okay?"
Jack: "You know what, Jennifer, if y--"
Jennifer: "Know what, Jack?" (kiss) "I'm a really big girl now." (kiss) "And I know what I want." (kiss) "And I know what I need." (kiss) "And I can take care of myself." (kiss) "Do you know what you want, Jack?"
Jack: "Jennifer."
Jennifer: "What."
Jack: "I know ..." (long kiss) "I know that --" (picks her up in his arms and looks in her eyes) "I know my back's gonna kill me in the morning but I know what I want."

-- Aug. 22 1990, Pre-Alamania

Audio clip Jack: "Because you're right. Because I do want you. Because I do want to make love to you, even now. Even now. Because, I love you. I think I always have. And I know I always will."

-- Oct. 12 1990, Embassy

Jack: "Nobody is ever going to love you the way that I love you."

-- Nov. 16 1990, Alamania

Jack: "I hope we don't have to have brushes with death just to say how we feel. I feel ... I want you to be a part of my life. And I want to be a part of your life, kind of like this. In the morning, in the evening, like this."

-- Dec. 04 1990, Alamania

Jennifer: "Jack Deveraux is the man I love, Frankie. Every part of me loves him. All of it, and all of him."

-- Dec. 17 1990, Angstmas

Jennifer: "It doesn't really matter to me where we live as long as we live there together."

-- June 1991, Rape Trial

Quotes about the characters


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